The Ultimate gift

Img239Tonight we kicked off our quest to see 200 people receive the ultimate gift of salvation before the end of this year.

As we closed out the service almost everyone came forward to write on Christmas ornaments the names of friends, neighbors, co-workers and family who do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In two weeks we will have a message entitled, “Lost at Christmas” and our prayer is that hundreds who are lost will come home to Jesus this Christmas!

Can you think of a better gift?

Seriously, this is the time of year when most will be thinking of nintendo wii’s, or new clothes, Starbucks gift certificates or any number of other “things” they think will bring a moments joy. How much better to be a part of helping someone lay hold of so great a salvation?! It’s the one gift that will last forever!

If you attend Southbrook, make sure you don’t miss this it, and start praying tonight about who to invite!!

If you keep up with what God is doing here from afar, please pray for us that God would move in a mighty way!

Oh, one more thing…

Merry CHRISTmas!