- Another celebration of all those who stepped out boldly proclaiming Jesus through baptism! This will never get old!
- Today we also kicked off our Impact series with the message, “Mark the Body.” God first put the desire in my heart to talk about our church’s “Points of Passion” seven or eight years ago with the following verse in the Message,
“All who were marked out for real life put their trust in God—they honored God’s Word by receiving that life. And this Message of salvation spread like wildfire all through the region.” Acts 13:49
I believe it’s impossible for someone who has truly had an encounter with God NOT to greatly affect those around them with the love of Christ. Think about it. How can we who have been so deeply and permanently impacted by God’s grace and forgiveness fail to leave a mark on others? And I believe it’s impossible for a truly biblical, New Testament church as well.
Even so, quite a few churches across our land are really struggling to make a dent in the enemies stronghold. This first weekend we talked about why and how any church or individual can turn that around in a heartbeat! To hear the podcast go HERE.
- Excited about the next five weeks (beginning THIS Wednesday evening) as we offer a midweek believers service! This will be an opportunity to, delve a little deeper (Don’t worry, I said “deeper” not “longer”) into God’s Word with in-depth Bible study, take the Lord’s supper together as a body, experience deeper worship, and much more community as we gather a half hour earlier for food and fellowship. There will also be children’s programs offered and youth Lifegroups as well. Hope to see a lot of you there!