Sunday Evening Mind Dump


  • Started a brand new series today—one of my favorite books of the Bible—Nehemiah. The Bible is the greatest book ever written, period. Why? Because, though penned by human authors, it is actually God breathed. In other words, God wrote it. Within this one book are actually 66 smaller books—each with eternal truths that even a lifetime of studying can only begin to plumb the depths of wisdom contained within it’s pages. Some of the books are known for covering specific areas. For example, there are several books that are categorized under, “The Wisdom Books.” Among these are Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, Psalms, and Song of Solomon. But few people know that the greatest leadership book in the Bible is without a doubt, Nehemiah. At Grace we want to see God move in a mighty way—such a way that people see more than a church—they see a movement of God. That takes good leadership in every area. Glad we’re learning from the best.
  • In order to make our experience as a church deeper and permanent—I have incorporated notes each week that our folks can take home for further study. In this life there is nothing more important than knowing and loving God. So, in our quest to climb higher and higher in our relationship with God (It’s Colorado—climbing and hopefully summiting those 14er’s is huge here) we know we’ll do so much better if we are familiar with the layout of the land (His Word). So, think of the notes each week as adding to your own personal trail map of God’s Word.
  • In addition to this we will be starting lifegoups that will take our study of the book further through weekly or biweekly gatherings.
  • Thrilled that we as a church are also going through the YouVersion 40 day Nehemiah study as well. It’s called, “Restart: Stepping Out in Faith,” and you can get it here. We officially begin today! I’m positive that God will honor all of this and Grace may very well end up being the most well versed church on Nehemiah and spiritual leadership in the country by the time we are done! BTW, if you were not able to make it yesterday for the kickoff of the series—you should go to the app store and put youversion in the search so you can get the app. From there, look for the reading plan I mentioned above.
  • Finally, no movement of God will get very far without prayer. One of the greatest preachers England ever knew was Charles Spurgeon, and whenever he was asked what fueled such amazing growth and impact he would take them to the basement of the church (or, The Boiler Room as it was officially called) and show them hundreds of people praying for the services. You can read about the boiler room here. Well, I agree with Charles Spurgeon and that’s why we are starting our own boiler room prayer ministry this coming week at GCC. It will meet upstairs in room 202, just right of the elevator. Hope to see tons of people there!