Is There Really Only One Way? – Part 2


If you missed the first part of this two part series you can click HERE to read it. And I strongly recommend you read part one so part two doesn’t sound like dolphins communicating with each other at Sea World.

As I already stated, the exclusivity of Christianity doesn’t always sit well with people. In fact, it’s often downright offensive. However…

That doesn’t make it false.

Too often today we make final decisions about truth based on how palatable something is or isn’t. But that’s crazy. I mean cookoo for cocoa puffs crazy. And the ‘acceptability’ of a statement, it’s PC quotient, or it’s bland, perfectly safe presentation have absolutely nothing to do with whether it’s true or not. And to treat declarations of truth thus is about as effective as rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic once you’ve already hit the iceberg.

So, where do I stand on the “Jesus is the only way” issue?

First of all—It doesn’t matter. If I declared that I am completely in disagreement with it, it will not cause the God of the universe to panic and issue a statement saying He’s given the whole thing a lot of thought and based on Pastor Rob’s difficulty with the position—it’s officially withdrawn and declared to have been too strict and intolerant. All those awaiting the judgment in Hell will now be grandfathered in and universally saved. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please return to your regularly scheduled program.

Talk about crazy!

No, unlike politicians. God never trial-runs the acceptability of His holiness and righteousness. He doesn’t run a test market to see how many votes He’s likely to get before issuing truth. And He’s not worried about being reelected. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s. That truth will never be altered. He is the Alpha and Omega—the beginning and the end. And…

The only way.

And that’s the truth.