- Probably the hardest part of preaching is the ‘self-inflicted’ pressure we sometimes put on ourselves to move biblical precepts from people’s heads to their hearts where real life change can begin to happen. I know, I’ve slipped into this many times over the years with thoughts like…
“If I just preach harder and with even more passion—they’ll get it!”
“Maybe the right ‘creative element’ will do the trick!”
“Perhaps I just need a gut wrenching testimony from someone who did it ‘their way’ rather than God’s.”
The list goes on and on. Bottom line—unless the Holy Spirit gets involved in a big way, knowledge will remain just that—knowledge. And life change will be nothing more than a pipe dream. None of the things I’ve listed (as well as a whole host of others) are bad, or a waste, or trivial. They can really help drive a point home. And I use them all the time. I used them today. But in the end I closed in prayer by begging God to move among the hearts of His people to do a little ‘transfer’ work.
And He did! I can’t tell you how many people came up to me after the services and said they felt the Lord moving mightily upon their hearts that it was time for a real change!
God is moving at Grace!
- Did you know that the Bible teaches us that the reason people who absolutely know (rock solid) what they ought to do but don’t do it is because that knowledge has never developed into wisdom? The difference between knowledge and wisdom is that knowledge doesn’t move—wisdom, on the other hand, is knowledge in action. But that still leaves a bit of a dilemma…
How do we create that movement toward the right understanding and wisdom?
Well, let’s not get the cart before the horse. Before you can know your purpose, you’ve got to know a person–Jesus. It all begins with a relationship with the Savior. This entire post would be a waste if I didn’t say that–however, I’m writing this one to those who have already trusted Christ as Lord and Savior–sadly, even after this greatest of all experiences, far too many Christians never go a step further in their walk. They revert back to knowledge and never gain godly wisdom.
How do you break through then?
Well, in order to have the right understanding of life. We really need to have the right values. Face it, who do you know that passionately changes based on knowledge alone?
My guess is, no one.
On the other hand—I’ve met plenty of people who will move heaven and earth to get what they truly value.
Unfortunately, that can be bad too. For example, a heroine addict will sometimes, steal, lie, cheat, and maybe even murder to get the drug they value so highly—a drug that, in return, kills the host!
Bad value.
And if we value money—we’ll live for that. If we value sex—we’ll live for that. At the same time, we may possess the ‘knowledge’ that we should live for God, family, career, etc. But, that’s just a list. If you or I really don’t value the things on a list, then it just amounts to knowledge.
Again, quite the dilemma, huh?
Thank God His Word gives us a path out of this bankrupt kind of life. It was fun discovering the path together as a church today. The people of Grace are poised for Great Things!
If you want to hear the answer, listen to the podcast. It will be up tomorrow and you can access it through our website, www.weallneedgrace.com or by downloading the GCC App in iTunes. The message is entitled, “Vital Signs.”