It’s been way too long…sorry. This was always going to be a three part series, but waiting two weeks before part three is inexcusable.
Again, sorry about that.
And if you missed part one or two…click HERE for part one and HERE for part two. Now don’t skip over that. Part three won’t make a whole lot of sense if you don’t read those first. Go ahead…
I’ll wait.
Great! Now, here’s the conclusion to “What Comes First—the Chicken or the Egg?”
Christians are against a lot of things. Ever notice that? And I believe because of this tiresome truth, a lot of the world looks at Christians like a bunch of kill-joys. What a shame because even a cursory reading of the New Testament reveals a loving and grace filled God who talked so much more about the good He longs to do for His children than some imagined abuse.
- Yes, hell is a real place.
- Yes, those who chose to go it alone will get their wish when life is over.
- Yes, God will not have sin in His presence.
But God loved us so much that His entire Word is about a rescue mission launched the moment we went AWOL back in the garden. The second we were missing in action, God came looking for us. And when He found He had a rebellion on His hands, He didn’t just obliterate Adam and Eve in anger and start over with Beta model 2. 0.
What if your teenager started to rebel? Let’s say they blew off every boundary you set and disregarded each and every responsibility you tried to teach them. At first hey loved hanging around you—you were their hero. But then a day came where you weren’t all that cool anymore and they found themselves embarrassed by your very presence. They question everything that you say.
- They now follow their friends
- They now listen and emulate what they see on YouTube rather then what they see in the lives of godly people.
- They no longer sing songs of praise and worship to their God and King
- Now they try to rap like Eminem (Never mind the shady [pun intended] lyrics.
- Now each conversation (If you’re fortunate to even get a word out of them) seems strained and disrespectful.
- At last they begin plotting their great escape.
Those are tough years. As a pastor I can’t tell you how many hundreds of times I’ve seen this scenario repeat itself.
But here’s what I’ve never seen…
I’ve never seen or heard a parent say, “Well, I got a defective model with that one. I’m sure they’ll just ruin their life—tough luck! I’ll just get another kid and if He meets all my standards. I’ll throw him a bone or two in life. If not, wash, rinse, repeat. I’m bound to get a winner at some point.”
No, when our children wander it breaks our heart. Jesus wanted us to know the Father is the same—He goes after His prodigals. And when our own loved ones wander, we often feel a more intense love than ever before because we hate to see them hurt themselves and because we know where their bad choices eventually lead. It’s because of this that any loving parent launches a rescue mission of their own whether through prayer, or intervention, both, or some other way altogether.
Sadly, some refuse to be rescued.
Isn’t that crazy?
Imagine drifting at sea for several days and nights, death has crossed your mind hundreds of times, you’re starving and more thirsty than you could ever have imagined. Then, all of the sudden, along comes a fishing vessel and they cry out to you, “Can you hear me? Are you alright?”
You respond, “I’m cold and weak. The life raft is sinking, I can’t go on much longer.”
Your potential rescuer: “Stand by, we are going to throw you a life ring. Just grab a hold of it and we’ll pull you over.”
You: “No! Stay back. I know your kind! You think you have all the answers! I don’t need you. Just sail on by and leave me alone! I’ve almost got this whole ‘stranded at sea’ thing figured out and I certainly don’t need your help!”
If you were on that fishing vessel, what would you do? Sail on and wish him the best of luck. Get insulted and say, “Suit yourself! I don’t care what happens to you anyway!”
No, you might get pretty frustrated with this individual’s bizarre behavior and ridiculous defiance, but you’d still launch a rescue mission anyway.
Wouldn’t you?
I certainly hope so. And that’s what the gospel is all about—The rescue mission.
- Rescuing the lost
- Rescuing the confused
- Rescuing the rebellious
- Rescuing the unworthy
In fact, Romans 5:8 tells us that the rescue mission went forward even during the abuse! ‘In that while we were yet sinners Christ dies for us.
That’s like agreeing to show grace and mercy to ISIS while they are beheading people! What kind of unfathomable love and grace is this?!
Christ gave His sinless, perfect life for all of mankind. It was the perfect sacrifice—sufficient for all. However, it’s only efficient for those willing to eventually accept the life buoy and grab hold of so great salvation.
John 3:16…For God so loved the world (that’s everyone) that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes (This faith makes it efficient) in Him would not perish but have eternal life.
Ok, at this point I know that some of you are scratching your head and wondering what on earth any of this has to do with what came first—the chicken or the egg.
But that’s been my point all along!
It doesn’t matter! While many of the theological debates are important and need to happen, they should never take place of the great commission and the great commandment! Yet far too often that is exactly what happens when churches put second first and first last!
So, have those debates. Settle your theology.
Decide for yourself the order of things that matter.
But don’t use it as an excuse to get off mission.
Life is short.
People are still dying without Christ.
Hell is still hot.
Let’s remember to keep the main thing the main thing!
BTW, it was the chicken!