- What an awesome day today was! It was the completion of the merger of two great churches (Impact and Forest Hill) and the grand opening of Forest Hill Church in Waxhaw, NC! The place was packed! The energy was high! But most importantly, the name of Jesus was lifted up!
- LOVED the message that my friend and fellow pastor, David Chadwick brought! It was all about God’s support to the humble and opposition to the proud. And though I know David probably wouldn’t want me saying this, I know no better pastor to preach such a message than David Chadwick—the most humble pastor I’ve ever known!
- Have you ever longed for God to use you to do great and mighty things for Him? You can pave the way by humbling yourself in His sight. Once you do, He’s sure to lift you up.
- If you are someone who hates to have their ego hurt I think I can help. You need to think a different way about pride (you know, that thing that God hates in us). Think of it as excessive obsession with one’s own ego. David said ego stands for, Edging God Out. Hard to keep stroking our own ego when we realize that it really represents pride–right?
- Would you continue to pray for us (The Singletons)? We are so filled with excitement and anticipation about the many doors God is opening around the country—there are so many potential places to serve the King! But we want nothing more than to be in the one where our gifts fit best and we can accomplish the most for Jesus! Would you join me in praying that God will make that crystal clear over the weeks and months ahead? That is the greatest gift you could give us! Thanks in advance! And…I promise to keep you posted here on www.robsingleton.com
- More from today (Give the video about 30 seconds to load)…
[KGVID width=”568″ height=”320″]http://www.robsingleton.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/IMG_0805.mov[/KGVID]