Anatomy of a Church Killer…

indexContinuing with our somewhat ominous sounding but truly deadly look into the psyche of a church killer (from Tejado Hanchell) here are the next two characteristics. BTW, if you missed the first five, click here and then here.


6. Get mad if you’re not appointed to a leadership position.

So many people in church are focused on titles. They want to be directors, deacons and dignitaries, and when they are not appointed to a position, they begin to stir up trouble.

This is a manifestation of deep-seated pride, and pride is one of the most dangerous killers of all.

7. Never give your opinion in a meeting … wait until AFTER the meeting.

A surefire sign of a church that is on its deathbed is one that has major “meetings-after-the-meeting.” You know, where no one voices their honest opinion or offers useful insight during the official meeting, but are quick to huddle in a corner or the church parking lot after the meeting to harp on how “it ought to be done.”

There are chalk lines all over church parking lots outlining exactly where the murder took place.

This last one should be labeled, ‘Murder in the 1st degree,’ I’ve personally seen a few well placed assassins at this level take down an entire church within one summer. Each made a commitment before God not to do so–and then turned right around and did it anyway.  They are typically power brokers who can’t make things happen on their own but envy others who have put in the blood, sweat, tears and mostly, obedience to build a work of God.

Perhaps the most dangerous thing about these killers is that they operate like cult leaders who intimidate anyone and everyone from seeking out the truth. Truth is not their friend–it’s like water to the wicked witch on ‘The Wizard of Oz.’ Even the smallest amount of It will melt away their entire lie. Sometimes even a handful of defectors can open the floodgates of healing and peace for all who will break away from the Borg. So intimidation is the key to getting their victims all the way to the cool-aid stand–once they drink…it’s too late.

Stay tuned, tomorrow I’ll reveal the last of Tejado Hanchell’s deadly church killers.