Day 37 of a Wonderful and Intimate Journey with Jesus


Today is the thirty seventh day of what I really thought would be no more than a twenty-one day Daniel fast (Honestly, it started off as a one day water only fast). After all, that’s the name of the thing, “The 21 Day Daniel Fast.” However, as each day passed and I experienced deeper and more intimate time with the Savior than in years, I found it difficult to think of ending this special time. Then, before I knew it, I was so close to forty days that I had a very powerful desire in my heart to go as long as Jesus did right after He was baptized and went up into the wilderness for forty days.

Now granted, Jesus only had water—I’m allowed more than that on the Daniel fast. But, for me, it was a big leap of faith because everything you’re allowed are things I never eat (not a big fan of broccoli or lentils 🙂 ).

So why did I do it?

Simple. I want nothing more in this life (and I mean nothing) than to be closer to the One who gave His life for me on the cross. There are many worthy pursuits in life, but none can compare with knowing your creator more intimately. And I know of no quicker way to draw closer to Him than to set aside a season of self denial and intentional pursuit (through fasting, extra time in His Word and prayer).

But there’s more.

I also love the people of Charlotte—God called me to reach these people  but I see such a powerful and paralyzing spirit of religiosity over our city that has been firmly entrenched for decades. It’s perfectly fine (popular in fact) to go to church here in the buckle of the Bible belt. Many think of church as a great place to meet friends, make business contacts, date, network, get a self help lesson and a whole host of other things. But there’s one thing (person actually)  that remains very conspicuous by the glaring absence—Jesus. The church is HIS Bride, but you’d think many churches were nothing more than a mail order bride with the blatant detachment to Christ that they so blindly display. Many mail order brides simply want a ticket to the ‘land of opportunity’–they’re not really thinking of true love. Honestly, Jesus is hardly necessary for a lot of churches today—in fact, I’m convinced that the Holy Spirit could withdraw completely from some of our churches and I seriously doubt many would see any difference.

Obviously this breaks the heart of God. And can I be blunt? I really have no interest in being a part of Team Religion, or the Sanctuary of Self Help, or anything else that smacks of , “Business as Usual.” The God I serve is a God of the unusual. He’s a God of the extraordinary! When He moves we aren’t left wondering if it was Him or not—There’s no doubt! In short, it’s more of a movement than a religion.

I long for that.

So I’ve been pressing in more and more to God—seeking Him, asking Him what we need to do to see this sort of thing happen in Charlotte.

And He is speaking!

Beginning this Sunday (Day 41)  I’ll tell you what I believe the Lord is asking us to do.

See you then!