I had lunch with Clayton King yesterday. All I can say is, the man is anointed! Whether he goes to large churches, small churches, huge conferences or tiny start up college events — something always happens. And that something is nothing less than the GREATEST LIFE EVENT for anyone EVER!
I’m talking about life transformation. I’m talking about seeing hell-bounders changed in an instant to heaven-bounders! I’m talking about drug addicts, people cheating on their spouses, people living for money and people with any other self serving lifestyle completely changed!
Only Jesus can do that — and it will happen this weekend.
So, the only question that remains at this 11th hour is…
WHO are you bringing?
There are more than 500 names on the two towers of light located in our 2 worship centers. THIS is the weekend you’ve been praying about. THIS is the time for friends and neighbors and family and loved ones to step up and invite.
You could make the call right now instead of watching to see who made it into the final 12 on American Idol. It’s more important to see if your loved ones will make it into the final family of God and spend eternity with the God who made them and loves them.
Make the call.
Go ahead.
Drop what you’re doing.
Make sure they have a ride.
Plan on taking them to dinner after the Saturday night service or to lunch after the one of the Sunday services.
Do whatever it takes.
The stakes are THAT HIGH!
Let’s all do our part. Then watch God do the rest!
Cya this weekend!