104 people gave their lives to
Jesus Christ this weekend @ Southbrook Church!
I had an entirely separate post ready to go for Monday gang, but then this happened! God moved in a powerful way this weekend at Southbrook Church as we saw over one hundred people step over that line and bow the knee to Jesus Christ.
That brings this year to nearly 900 people placing their faith in Christ!
That’s why we exist as a church, friends!
This is what we celebrate and this makes any hardship well worth it!
We then went on to baptize some of the folks who couldn’t make it to the baptism we had about a month ago. Around 20 folks were baptized in the not so warm pool.
It was supposed to be the last baptism of the year…but then this weekend happened.
Fire up the over-sized jacuzzi! Looks like were goin in again!
I love this church!
I’m THANK . FULL for my Southbrook Family!!
Want to know something else cool that happen today (Sunday)? You all brought over 500 bags full of non-perishable items to help feed the needy for weeks to come! Check it out below…
Gang, these bags lines the entire triangular walkway!
And that wasn’t even all of them. There were so many bags our massive trailer was inadequate to the task and we will have to make more trips tomorrow!—more trips to places like the Monroe Crisis Pregnancy Center, the Charlotte Rescue Mission (My family and I were there today and had the privilege of preparing the food for and helping feed almost 100 men currently going through the CRM recovery program), and Harvest Kitchen to name a few.
Here are a few phone pictures from that experience (I apologize for the poor quality but phone cameras still have a long way to go!).
My son, Nathan refilling people’s drinks
Michelle and I in the serving line
Juliana (my daughter) and Nathan refilling their pitchers.
My kids had a great time…SERVING! They each asked if we could go back 20 more times this year!
It just doesn’t get any better than that!
Thank . Full!