Day 6 — Brace for Impact!

Tuesday – July 30th
Tuesday – July 30th
“God, may people who need to experience Your healing and freedom find a church in Impact Church where they can be accepted for who they are and grow to be more like Jesus in their character over time. In Jesus Name, Amen.”

In today’s popular, coffee shop, latte, rock show, Hollywood pastor, positive thinking, high self esteem, one stop, feel good churches—It’s easy to lose sight of the fact that people come to church for healing, answers, peace, hope, fellowship, and love. In other words, people are hurting out there and they are desperately hoping the church can help in some way. None of the things I listed above address the real needs and issues that people deal with these days.

We want Impact to be different—a hospital for sinners rather than a hotel for saints. And all this starts with encountering God each and every week at Impact. From there, we want people to know and love the Word—It’s God’s truth, and the truth alone can set us free!

“Jesus said, “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6