About ten years ago any savvy, forward thinking person could have seen the social media boom coming. However, I doubt many would have seen the complete takeover it has become.
Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of things I love about modern technology and the new social media. I love;
- Keeping conversations short by texting or tweeting instead of talking on the phone
- Discovering long lost friends through Facebook
- Setting up church events and other events and getting the word out to the masses
- Inviting tons of people (all at once) to come hear the good news about Jesus Christ!
- Gathering prayer support from all over the world with the click of a button
But there are AT LEAST five things I hate as well and several of them look eerily similar to the things I love! I hate;
- Keeping conversations short by texting or tweeting instead of talking on the phone
- Having long lost “friends” find you on Facebook
- See cheesy church events and ads displayed all over the place
- Seeing so many use Twitter and Facebook as vehicles for gossip and slander
- Gathering support for ungodly and even dangerous groups
So it would seem that the advance of social media is both a good thing and a bad thing but one thing remains…social media itself.
For better or worse, it ain’t going anywhere.