Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

  • Impact Church continues to grow. Today was one of our biggest Sundays yet! Praise God! Thanks to all those who are faithfully inviting. Remember, we are an “Invite Culture” and I really, really want you to invite couples who are dating, engaged, single, single again, or just wondering about how to relate to the opposite sex because this coming weekend will close out our “Vintage Love” series with a bang! You won’t want to miss it!
  • Here’s another reason you won’t want to miss it. Impact Church will be welcoming Will and Charis Retherford to the Impact Staff Team. Will has accepted the position of worship director and we are thrilled to have him! So let’s all show up in force to celebrate this special day!
  • I’ve absolutely LOVED teaching these past two weeks with the love of my life, Michelle! Let’s face it—when it comes to communicating to the gals about dating and marriage, I just can’t hold a candle to her. Hmm, I wonder why that is?
  • We showed another retro video from way, waaay, waaaaaay back, in case you missed it. Here it is…

  • Remember, next week we will have the “Love Language Surveys.” There is a survey for singles, husbands, and wives. What a great opportunity for singles to understand themselves better for dating and for married folks to go out on a date and discuss how to take their marriage to the next level! Surveys will be on the table in the back. Don’t forget to grab one before you leave!
  • Did you know that people are committing or recommitting their lives to Jesus nearly every week at Impact? We need to celebrate and never take this lightly. Remember Jesus said He came to “seek and save that which was lost.” With this in mind, would you join me in praying for a huge harvest of souls this Easter?! Be thinking now about who you will invite to one of our 2 services that day (9:00 and 11:00 am). Also, we will be having a very special “Good Friday Service” that promises to set the stage for Easter like nothing you’ve ever seen!