Resetting Joy

When I think of “the good life” I used to think of words like happiness and comfort. I also, like the apostle Paul writes,

“…used to speak as a child but when I grew up—I gave up childish ways.” 1 Cor. 13:11

I don’t think for a minute this is Paul saying adults can’t have fun or joke around. What he is referring to is time wasting, immature and meaningless living—often at the expense of others.

As we grow in the Lord, we learn that Satan has a lot of cheap imitations for God’s best. Happiness and contentment are just that when compared to joy. Joy is contentment on steroids and happiness turbocharged.

Oh, and it also lasts—through the good and the bad and the trails and victories. Unlike happiness which is based on happenings, joy is grounded in Jesus.

And He never changes.

This Christmas season shoot for Joy.