Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

Another great weekend of new faces and tremendous joy—The very way it should be this time of year! And I sat down to type up some of the wonderful things the Lord has done this 9th week of growing the Impact Church launch team when I saw the following facebook post about Impact. It’s from the parents of Jessica Winn and I asked her if it would be okay to share.


Because this just says it all!

“My mother-in laws status, Jessicas mother and father attended service this moring and will continue to attend Impact Church!

Status Update
By Deborah Morissette
Paul and I had a chance to visit our daughters church today for the very first time. It’s called “Impact Church”. It started about 9 weeks ago and is at the “bare bone” stage.
It’s located inside of a school but when you walk through the doors you quickly forget that fact. The greeters were dressed in red t-shirts and they all had great big smiles, which just automatically brings the smile out in me. Everyone was milling about gabbing getting ready for service and we were escorted by Jess and Joey up to a desk where a very nice lady with a big smile was standing. She handed us black sharpies and labels to put our names on, which by the way I love….it just makes me feel good to be able to put a name to every face I see…no really, it’s way cool. Anyway, after we got our name labels in place we headed to the room where the service was to be held.
There was music playing already and I have to say…it was jammin’….when we came into the room it was already full with people and I was wondering where we could sit, but a nice man signaled to us and escorted us to a row that still had 4 chairs together available. The folding chairs were lined up perfectly and for someone like me that is totally anal…..that was amazing!! So many different people, short, tall, big, little, young and old….We seemed to fit right in. As we joined in the singing, I noticed the band was comprised of a group of very different looking people…and it started me thinking about Gods love for all of us, no matter what we look like on the outside. I noticed a man sitting in the front row in jeans and a shirt and wondered if that was the pastor and before I could ask, the music stopped and he stood up and I had my answer. Pastor Rob Singleton is the spiritual leader of this brand new church and if you saw him on the street, I bet you would never guess he was a man of God. I have seen many pastors, preachers and or priests in my 51 years and have never really felt comfortable with all the pomp and circumstance that usually goes along with this position. It is crystal clear to me that Pastor Rob Singleton is very different. He is so down to earth and easy to listen to and his knowledge of the bible is very humbling to me. He has a great sense of humor and definitely has the “gift of gab”….I think many people will come to hear him speak the word…he has a way of “breaking it down” and making it very easy to understand what God requires of us. The true reason for Christmas is what was talked about today….it was amazing and gave us all some “food for thought”. The service was about an hour long and my poor back was hurting a little from the steel seats but it was all worth it to be a part of a group of brothers and sisters worshiping our Lord. Are we going back next week you ask? Of course we are, I am going out today to buy a cushion for my seat…we wouldn’t miss it for the world!!

THANK YOU Jessica Winn, Joseph R. Winn for inviting us to your church…..THANK YOU Pastor Rob for a great message and THANK YOU God for loving us even when we don’t deserve it. We finally found a home…”

Isn’t that awesome?! What could I possibly add? Except this…God is already using Impact to touch people and change them from the inside out! Impactors, you are contagious and God is going to use you to make a mark on this world for Jesus! And to think, we’re just getting started!

Nough said!

Have a great day! And check below for more info about Impact Church!

* Impact Church has started a four week Christmas series entitled, “Christmas Reset.” You can listen to the first message on iTunes. Just open iTunes, go to the iTunes store and type in Rob Singleton in the search box in the upper right hand corner. Impact Church podcasts should come up.

Impact Church is currently meeting at Weddington Middle School, Weddington, NC. Click HERE for a directions.

Join us for one of our Christmas Eve services–either 4:00 or 6:00 at Weddington Middle School and bring someone who does not know Jesus. There’s a good chance they will leave knowing Him!

* And here are some other ways to connect:

Impact Facebook page.  You can find it at, Once there, hit the “Like” button to join our page. While you’re at it, why not tell a friend or 10 about it?

* Subscribe to this blog for the Sunday Evening Mind Dump as well as further incites on the weekly messages and general devotionals. You can find me at, www.robsingleton.comOh wait, you’re already here aren’t you? Ok, then just look for the subscribe button on the upper right hand side of the page (just below the photo).

* Join me on Twitter for the most frequent updates in a more byte sized format,

* Or go to the rob singleton Facebook page HERE and click the  ‘Like’  button for updates.