I have noticed a trend around the blogosphere of bloggers having link exchange blogrolls. I can see why it is so beneficial, it ranks you higher in Technorati and other places. Although I currently have plenty of people linking to me as it is, I’d like to be fair in linking back as well. Therefore, I’ve started a Link Exchange Blogroll of my own.
The basic idea is to exchange blog links by including my blog link in your blogroll, and I will reciprocate. We exchange links and share traffic and potential readers. A simple method to gaining exposure.
If you are interested in being listed in my Link Exchange Blogroll, include my blog link into your blogroll, then leave a comment to let me know you want me to reciprocate. It’s that easy. 😀
All submissions are taken care of on a case by case basis as my schedule allows. Please allow a couple of days for your link to show up in the blogroll. Also, I will not link to blogs that include copyrighted material, libel, pornographic images, excessive profanity, or too many affiliate advertisements. Also, I am open to blogs with similar topics and interests only. My blogroll is in order by blogs added one after another, the most recent being on the bottom. So if you notice that I have missed your entry, please email me at robtherev@gmail.com (don’t leave a comment).
Happy linking! 😀