The Price of Truth — Final

If you missed parts 1 and 2 of this mini-series, you can click here for part 1 and here for part 2. That will bring you up to speed.

Got any workout addicts here? Like to feel that burn as you run that last 400 meters? Feel your muscles begin to cramp up as you push for one more lap at Sherman Branch in order to strengthen your MTB endurance? Or maybe you’re more the weight room enthusiast. For you, an actual burn as you get to the last couple reps is the goal every time! As the old adage goes,

No Pain, No Gain!

So, what’s all this got to do with the price of truth? Well, simply this, there actually is no price too high for living a life of truth. The rewards outpace the price no matter how high. Rewards like

  • Truth setting us free
  • Truth tells us we need to be born again. Without that truth we might be tempted to try another road to God
  • Truth is, all we need to do to be saved is believe (“Trust”) in Christ and His work on the cross and we will be saved!
  • Truth stands the test of time (Matthew 5:18, “I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its purpose is achieved.”)
  • Truth is, we matter to God (see Eph. 1:5)
  • Truth is, God loves us! (se John 3:16)
  • Truth is, in order to become more like Jesus, there will be times of suffering.
  • Truth is, no matter how bad it gets for the believer, “down here” it will all seem like nothing when compared to the richness and blessings of heaven and being with Jesus!

But some of you are thinking, “That’s great, pastor, I’ll be sure and log that away, but I’m hurting right now! What about me?!”

Well, for you, I have a question…

Do you want to keep growing in your faith? Do you want to know God better and love Him more next year than you do today? Do you want to be more like Him and do great things for Him? If the answer is ‘yes’ then you’ll have to keep building your spiritual muscles by trusting Him in new and bigger ways–even when it burns!

Yep, the price of truth can get almost astronomical at times. But it’s sort of like a dream mortgage. You pay a lot on the front end, but after the last payment is made, the dream home is yours—free and clear.

Salvation’s even better because Jesus made the payment for us! And it’s a good thing He did because the cost is too high for any one of us to pay on our own!

Yes, it’s high, but it’s paid in full for the believer and we still get the home of our dreams in a paradise unimaginable one day!

So count the cost. I have, and I find the price of truth to be highly worth it!

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