Wrapped up our “Impact Series” today with the message, “Mark the Future.” I shared with the body @ Southbrook that the next 12 months for us is going to be the “Year of Discipleship.” It’s not a gimmick, and it’s not that every other year sees no special emphasis on the Great Commission—no, what it is came as the result of seeing so many people give their lives to Jesus Christ last year. In other words—we have a ton of new believers @ Southbrook Church. They need to be discipled, and we need all hands on deck to help. People seem eager to jump in and help. It’s gonna be a great year for building God’s kingdom!
May have a few mighty men mad at me after tomorrow morning when they find out I got the date wrong for the Monday morning man up! Sorry guys! As you could tell by the deserted building—it’s next week—not this week.
The Night of Worship was awesome! We got a 2 for 1 deal as the student band lead us for the first half hour—followed by Greg, Mia and the gang for the second half. Both teams did what God called them to do—lead us to the throne room of the living God!
This weekend is known as Palm Sunday. It’s always a powerful service at Southbrook Church. Come get fired up about Easter and be praying about who you will be bringing because our great big God is going to move in a great big way!