Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

  • So excited to see so many people “getting it” when it comes to being more generous! People are sending in their stories over and over again—finding out that God is faithful!
  • So proud of the staff team we have @Southbrook Church! They are among the most sacrificial givers in the entire church!
  • “Money will buy a bed but not sleep, books but not brains, food but not appetite, finery but not beauty, medicine but not health, luxury but not culture, amusement but not happiness, a crucifix but not a Savior, a temple of religion but not heaven.” –Anonymous   Don’t know who said this (obviously) but it’s powerful, huh?
  • I’m praying for my Southbrook church family! Whenever a church teaches a series on giving and biblical stewardship—it can stir up a whole host of feelings—but I want so much for everyone to experience the goodness of God! He wants to bestow blessings on His children but we’ve got to trust Him.
  • Tuesday night is the first meeting for the 2012 Mighty Men! Pray for the 29 men who are desiring to take their Christian walk to the next level! I have a feeling God is going to do great things through this group!
  • My little girl will be 13 years old tomorrow. A house full of teenagers! One word….AAAaaaaauuuuggghhhh!!!
  • On a serious note…My little girl is growing up. It’s a happy/sad experience. She’s my little princess and each year brings her closer to the possibility of leaving home to start a family of her own. Michelle and I are praying now that she will find a godly man who loves the Lord even more than she does—and even more than he loves her. If that sounds odd, think of the alternative—a man who loves himself more than her! Ugh! Makes me want to clean my shotgun every time a boy comes anywhere near her!
  • Here it is, Superbowl Sunday—but God is doing so many awesome things in our family and the larger Southbrook family that football seems pretty small in the scheme of things. Think I’ll go spend some time with my soon 12 year old girl before she turns 13.