Pre-Christmas Evening Mind Dump

  • Really enjoying seeing how God is moving in the hearts of our people through the “Present Yourself” series @Southbrook Church!
  • My wife says this has been her favorite Christmas series we’ve ever done! I agree—it’s done more to refocus our people on what matters most!
  • Only six more days to invite those you care about to one of our 6 Christmas Eve services (4 at the Weddington Campus [one Friday and 3 on Saturday] and 2 at the Monroe Campus [both on Saturday])! Visit our website HERE for more details.
  • We have been absolutely overrun with response to the “Christmas Breakfast Outreach in Monroe!” At this point we would ask that, if you are not already signed up to serve a meal that you shift to bringing people to the 11:00 service (which will be the special online Christmas we filmed especially for our “Secret Christmas” outreach). Our goal is not only to feed the homeless and hurting for Christmas but also (and most importantly) to have them all join us for a service and chance to hear God’s truth! So, invite all you can to this as well. And we want to see all our Southbrook people who live in and around Monroe to show up in force for this. Let’s make this a day to remember in Monroe!
  • There are still a couple hundred boxes left at our Weddington campus and around 40 at the Monroe campus. Stop by and pick a couple up and get them out this week—filling them with something thoughtful and personal as you make that special invite for Christmas Eve!
  • You all are really doing great, gang! I haven’t seen the Southbrook family rallied like this in years! Finish strong and let’s ask God fro great big things on His birthday!