Joseph’s Dilemma — Part 2

In Genesis 42:22 we read, “and Reuben answered them, did I not tell you not to sin against the boy? But you did not listen. So now there comes a reckoning for his blood.” They (Joseph’s brothers) did not know that Joseph understood them. For there was an interpreter between them. Just as Jews today don’t realize that Jesus is listening to their conversations. The truth is God was at work all along and Joseph’s life. And we see that he was overwhelmed by not only seeing his brothers, but also by the understanding that God was about to fulfill lifelong dreams.

Isn’t it a beautiful thing when you catch a glimpse of God’s word—even through tragedy? The most painful times (for me anyway) is not just going through the trial—but actually when I can’t sense God’s presence—or when I can’t see some glimpse of him working in and through the trial. It’s at times like these that I’ll usually complain, bad mouth, feel anger in my heart, or any number of other sinful things toward God. But Joseph’s different than me. Joseph different than most of us. There’s no indication that he ever cried out to God about how unfair his life was. Verses 26 through 33 show the brothers and in complete disarray about all that seems to be coming down upon them. First they find their money returned to them in their sacks and know they’re going to get in trouble for that. Secondly they tell eir father that the man in control (i.e. Joseph) spoke roughly with them and took them to be spies. But they said to their father that they told him (Joseph) “we are honest men; we have never been spies.” You don’t hear the exact words that we use (i.e. “that’s not fair!”) but you can nevertheless read between the lines and see it everywhere. And strange it is that these brothers would think that what’s coming down on them at this point in their lives is, “not fair.” From our perspective (the reader) think it’s not fair enough! We’d like to see Joseph throw the book at them. We like to see Joseph have them executed for what they did. We’d like to see revenge. That would be fair, right?

Maybe in our eyes, but not in God’s. God doesn’t see some of us as sinners and some of us not. We are all sinners in need of a Savior. Therefore, God doesn’t always do what we would consider “the fair thing.” I for one am thrilled about that because the fair thing to do with me would be to send me straight to hell. Thank God He’s a merciful and forgiving God!

Fair’s over rated.

Still, God will take care of ‘fair’ on judgment day. For now, be happy He’s not fair with you!