“First Day or school! First Day of school!” For some reason—every year at this time I can hear Nemo (from “Finding Nemo”) excitedly shouting out these words. Turns out it wasn’t quite what he expected but it came nevertheless. Each year as a pastor there is one thing I’ve learned to expect on this weekend—more people! Today was no exception! So what do you talk about when you have a packed house? Jesus! Who else? Today more people are searching than ever, but the answer remains the same. Today more people are looking for a way to a better life—the way is a person. Today people want to improve their life than ever—Jesus is the Life! A lot of other dead end offers and roads have been offered up throughout history but all save Jesus are false—Jesus is the Truth! Today I tried my best to pound that home.
Nearly 100 people were at this month’s Newcomers Lunch—always glad to see new faces at Southbrook!
Thrilled, to see so many middle-schoolers with us today! This group is absolutely exploding under the leadership of our student pastor, Billy Almageur and his awesome team of volunteers. You all rock!
Sad to see our summer intern heading back to school (not the school part – I’m all for that) in Florida—that means she won’t be back until next summer. You will be back next summer, right Kimberly?
Can’t remember struggling this much in a long time to carefully expose the dead end, “good life” that the world chases. Worked equally hard to point out that the path to the abundant life that Jesus said He came to bring (John 10:10) runs in the polar opposite direction. Not enough room in this post to explain so I hope you’ll check out the podcast for answers. You can find it here (should be up by later today).
Two weekends from now is the final installment of “Social.” This is the weekend you want ot invite every unchurched, seeking friend, family member, classmate, co-worker and acquaintance you know because I will be going there strong with the gospel message. People need Jesus, gang! He is the only answer and the hope of the world. We expect God to move tremendously on this day so please plan on being there and filling your vehicle with other!