I don’t know what it is about “Back to School” but over the years I’ve learned that a lot of people head to church at this time. Here in North Carolina that means this weekend!
Don’t get me wrong—I have theories…
- Families who have relocated choose August as a time to find a church since they already ‘found a school.’
- Families see it as almost another, New Year’s Day. New school year after a long summer break. Some kids will have grown so much they’ll almost look like a new kid!
- Last year things weren’t so great at such and such church—since we have to gear up for school—why not look for a new church? This isn’t very deep reasoning. But most people don’t like to stay committed to things too long in today’s culture—church included.
- We are a consumer centered culture—time to see if church ‘B’ can meet more of my needs than church ‘A.’
- Just moved to the area—looking for a church kinda like the one back home.
And on and on. But want to know something?
It hardly matters. The fact is, a lot of people will give your church a look this weekend—possibly more than any other weekend over the entire summer. Some are really hurting—most are truly seeking. And most don’t know that it’s Jesus they need. Jesus is the only answer for every lookie-loo—He’s the answer I’m planning ot give this weekend…
And the next!
And the one after that!
So, if you’re in the area—invite a friend to Southbrook Weddington or Southbrook Monroe and expect to encounter God!