The JJ’s of the Old Testament—Jonah and Jeremiah. They could not have been more polar opposite.
- Jeremiah readily obeyed God for 40 straight years while Jonah’s best known for turning down a mere 40 day assignment.
- Jeremiah pursued, embraced and loved those who persecuted him. Jonah recoiled from and was repulsed by an enemy he’d had no direct contact with.
- Jeremiah preached with passion, pleading and power. Jonah reluctantly muttered a single sentence sermon over and over again.
- Jeremiah experienced torture, imprisonment and near death experiences over and over again yet kept coming back for more. Once Jonah finished his one pathetic revival circuit—he hoped for nothing more than that absolutely no one would heed his message.
- Jeremiah wanted the people to turn. Jonah wanted the people to burn.
- Jeremiah was humble. Jonah was arrogant.
- Jeremiah did everything right. Jonah did nearly everything wrong.
And yet…
Jeremiah never saw a single conversion! Jonah saw the greatest revival in history!
If Jonah and Jeremiah were ministering today, who would the books be written about? Who would be speaking at all the conferences? Who would the photographers photograph and the magazine editors seek to interview? Who would be on the cover of Christianity Today?
Maybe we’ve got it all wrong.
Something to think about.