One thing I wish I’d had time to unpack during our study of the book of Jonah was God’s love for the masses—the city. All throughout scripture we witness God’s longing for lost and confused people to quit running away from Him and realize instead that He loves them and wants to bless them.
But we sheeple seldom get it.
The people of Nineveh were no exception. They still occupy the number one slot for most savage, cruel and sadistic culture ever. Even so, God looked upon them with mercy—He gave even these a chance to repent. And, after the reluctant prophet preached to them for 40 days—they took God up on His offer to turn things around.
Oh, and they meant it. I needed to add that in because some of us are really, really good at faking it.—they didn’t fake it. From the king on down to the lowliest servant, they donned sackcloth and ashes and spent much of the time fasting in broken and contrite repentance.
And God noticed.
He noticed and showed them great favor. He sparred them—saved them form certain destruction. Then He went on to love the changed people of Nineveh.
I wanted to unpack God’s heart for the city more but alas—no one can make a series last more than me. Our time was up and the truth is, I always find more and more to talk about as I preach through a book of the Bible—that’s because God’s Word is eternal, alive and should we live a thousand lifetimes I don’t think we would plumb the depths of it’s richness and truth. So I leave you with this challenge.
Southbrook Church? What do you think God wants us to do about the lost in our great city of Charlotte?
A. Ignore them.
B. Let someone else handle it?
C. Send a missionary and throw some money their way every now and then?
D. Reach them with the Love of Christ
Yes, it’s a multiple choice—and yes, there’s only one right answer.
Over the next 2 years I will be working with a group of no less than 5 (maybe as many as 10) young men who are sensing the Lord’s call upon their life to move out as a campus pastor for Southbrook Church. They will go through extensive training, help out with existing multisite campuses along the way, visit other churches who are reaching the lost effectively through multisite ministry, and raise up launch groups made up of folks with a similar heart. My hope is to begin with uptown Charlotte followed by Fort Mill, SC.
Please keep these men in your prayers and consider whether the Lord might be calling you to be a part of this yourself. There’s no greater adventure to be on than the one the Lord Himself calls you too!