A Milestone for Southbrook Church!

I told you that this Fall was going to be an amazing time of seeing dreams come true and it begins this weekend with the final message in our PLANET EARTH series and continues next weekend with the release of the long awaited Southbrook Praise and Worship CD,



It all began much like we are use to seeing. God brings gifted people to a church in greater and greater numbers as that church grows, and eventually they release a worship CD entitled, 1st Church so and so praise and worship. And a few years ago our dream began much the same way.


As with any God Sized Dream, it ends up morphing into something far greater than anything any of us ever imagined. Its the Ephesians 3:20 principle,

I pray that Christ Jesus and the church will forever bring praise to God.

His power at work in us can do far more than we dare ask or imagine. Amen.

Southbrook’s dream is to see God take the message of “Returning to Jesus,” throughout the country and eventually beyond to reach millions for Christ! And though I’m sworn to secrecy on the details right now, let’s just say…

It’s already begun!

I hope you all will plan on being at Southbrook this weekend as we wrap up our, Planet Earth series with a BANG! And next

week on the 29th and 30th, as all the musicians and singers of SCC assemble to lift up the name of Christ at a concert event you will never forget!

But wait, there’s more!

Hardly a week will go by this Fall without us sharing something special our amazing God is doing through His people at Southbrook Church. So stay glued to the blog for constant updates and invite, invite, invite!

But wait, there’s more!

Hardly a week will go by this Fall without us sharing something special our amazing God is doing through His people at Southbrook Church. So stay glued to the blog for constant updates and invite, invite, invite!

And pray like a banchi (whatever that is) because nothing powerful happens without God’s people on their faces before Him daily.

Why Not by the way?

Because its all about Him and saturating the Charlotte area and beyond with the incredible love of Christ!

Not me.

Not you.

Just Jesus.

It was about Jesus yesterday.

It was all about Jesus today.

It will be all about Jesus tomorrow.

Are you sensing a pattern?


That pattern never changes! And as long as that’s the case we’ll continue to see God’s blessing and miraculous life changing power in our midst.

See you all this weekend…unless you’re reading this from England or something…then it may be a while. :)