Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

I loved the service today! From worship to diving in to the book of Jonah! But I have to be honest—I dread this weekend most years. Why? Because it is almost always one of (or THE) lowest attended weekends of the year at churches all over the world. That’s right, right after what’s typically the highest, you get the lowest. This year we tried to beat it—out plan it, out pray it, hope for the best, believe the best…and?

Drum roll please (dadalut, dadalut, dadalut…)

Nothing changed.

That’s right, the post Easter hangover showed up again right on schedule. Apparently, for everyone—made obvious by the glaring absence of posts telling of record attendance and waves of conversions. These were replaced by an eerie silence—mine included. In fact, I was so perplexed by the year in year out occurrence of low attendance the week after Easter that I googled the phenomena to see, well, if it was truly a phenomena.

Turns out it is. It even has a name. It’s called, Low Sunday. Pretty creative, isn’t it?

Well, since it was low, I decided to have a little fun with the day.

• I loved taking over one of the golf carts and helping drive people from the far side of the parking lot. It was great to see their shock and appreciation when I pulled up!
• We had some meals left over from a low, “Newcomer’s lunch too, so we loaded up the other (6 passenger cart) and took off for Optimist part and the ball fields. Once there, many of the staff joined me in passing out free lunches to families there with their little-leagers or future soccer stars. They loved it!
• Lesson learned? I guess it’s kinda the ‘when life throws lemons at you—make lemonade’ deal. Bottom-line? Another favorite weekend!
• Oh, and the kick off of Jonah went awesome—hope you can make it next week!