All the right moves

What’s next for the almost 700 new believers in Christ?!

We have a large church within a mega church, but the two have very different needs. If you are one of the individuals who have trusted in Christ as you Lord and Savior this year, your next move is clearly outlined in scripture. You can read about it here, and here, and here. Why don’t you read those scriptures real quick…I’ll wait…

Elevator Music…

Done? Ok, what’s your next move?

Right, you need to profess your love for Christ publically through baptism. Now, a lot of you (nearly 300) have already done this, that leaves about 400 more who still need to.

How about you 300? What’s your next move?

Come to our, Discovering Southbrook” (hit that link, then scroll down and see the info. on how to sign up) class this Sunday from 3:30 to 7:30 and discover all you need to know about Southbrook Church, its vision, structure, strategy, and how you can plug in and help change the world for Jesus!

You can sign up online.

You can sign up by calling the church office.

You can sign up by checking it off this weekend on your communication card.

Childcare is provided.

Dinner is provided.

Excuses are eliminated.

Hope to see you there!

Its your move!