Friends, I feel compelled to tell you that the series that begins this weekend and ends on Easter will perhaps be the most impactful series we’ve ever done. I believe this for a couple of reasons.
1. You will be hearing stories of “Overcoming” from members of Southbrook Church—stories sure to give the rest of us hope and encouragement no matter what we’re going through!
2. For fallen man, the quest of our entire life is about overcoming through Christ Jesus—the sin and hardships that threaten to undo even the strongest and most self reliant among us. Jesus Christ came to not only seek and save those who are lost—but also to enable us to live victorious lives through the power and influence of the indwelling Holy Spirit!
There’s not a man, woman or young person alive that won’t be able to draw strength and hope from the principles of overcoming taught in God’s Word! I’ll be sharing them throughout this series…
- Week One: “Ghostwriter” – The tragedy and disappointment that comes from allowing others to write the story of our lives.
- Week Two: “Author God” – The victory and joy that comes from following the story God has for us!
- Week Three (Easter) – The Greatest Story Ever Told. This will be about the greatest example of overcoming in all of history—Jesus overcoming the grave!
This is a series you need to invite everyone you know to! This is a series you won’t want to keep to yourself.
If you’ve got friends who are hurting, carry pain from the past hurts, or just want to learn how to live the abundant life that Jesus promised us in John 10:10—you need to get them here for all three weeks.
Get them here and then pray for God to move BIG!