Buzz Word Number 2


This one has to be the buzz word of the decade, maybe even the century!

I know that ‘Promise Keepers’ rocketed the idea of accountability back to the forefront of every man (and woman’s) mind, but, this one was making a nice comeback even without that.

And, like most, if not all, the buzz words we’ll be taking a look at, it happened for a reason. Let’s face it, people (men especially) need accountability in their lives.


Let me suggest you quickly read this previous post of mine to understand what it tends to come down to. If you don’t have time, then let me cut to the chase;

Some people take this concept so seriously that they form accountability groups. Usually, “accountability partners” (buzzz) ask each other a series of six or seven questions. I call them the sissy six. They aren’t bad, it’s just that they accomplish nothing.

Maybe they did at one time, but not anymore. Here’s what happens more often than not these days…

A lot of time guys will get together for coffee and a bagel and 5 minutes of discussing the sissy six questions of accountability (buzzz). This is almost always followed by mass confession (in public), weeping, men falling to their knees and pledging to never do—

What? You find that hard to believe?

Me too.

Actually, more and more, the sissy six questions are followed by something else…


Did you have your quiet time every day this week?


Did you spend time with your wife?

Yes, I begged her for sex.

Doesn’t count.

Ok, sure, we talked about decorating and how much we both love to cook.

Have you looked at any porn this week?

What’s that?

And round and round we go.

But the problem is, men are crafty. And if they want to hold on to their sin bad enough, a few lies to the old accountability team isn’t even going to register on the conscience scale.

So what are we to do?

There has to be a better way.

There is.

Much better.

But it’s 11:00 pm and I’m spent.

Ask me tomorrow.

We’ll catch up then.

Oh, if I haven’t posted anything by tomorrow night, you’d better send me a reminder ‘comment.’

That way you can hold me accountable (buzzz).