1. Ministry is like dentistry. No matter how many people you help, there will always be those who hate coming to you!
2. Hell is real. Adam and Eve signed the lease for us in the garden. Wasn’t that thoughtful of them? Thank the Lord He broke the lease on the cross!
3. Faith Without Works is DOA! Who would want something so anemic anyway? See James 2:17
4. Not everyone wants to love Jesus in return for all He did for them. If that’s you, the good news is, He won’t make you. The bad news is, one day you’ll wish He had.
5. Some people only go to church 2 times a year—Christmas and Easter. Good news…one of them is almost here. Who are you inviting Brookies?
6. Life is full of pain, disease and death. Again, we have our great, great, great, great…1,000x ancestors, Adam and Eve to thank for that one. They had paradise. They lost paradise. I don’t care, I still may punch Adam in the throat when I get to heaven! As for Eve? I don’t hit women. Maybe I can convince Michelle!
7. Some of the greatest Christian men and women in all of history never saw the incredible spiritual fruit of their lives. It doesn’t seem fair. As I read Hebrews 11 I’m struck by how many Hall of Faith believers hung in there despite this fact. At least there is great comfort in knowing all that’s changed now that they are at home with Jesus in heaven.
8. Sometimes evil wins the battle—that just doesn’t seem fair. But I’ve read about how this all turns out and can promise you this…evil loses the war in the end.
9. My son and I had a ‘Guy’s Weekend.’ I love when I get some one on one time with my kids. We watched a couple of my all time favorite movies, “The Conte of Monte Cristo,” and “The Mission.” Both highly emotional movies that raise a lot of questions about life and things like betrayal and forgiveness. I could tell they moved him greatly. So we talked about all his questions—deep into the night. Conclusion? He seems to know now that life is not always fair but that God is still very, very good.
10. Sometimes life gets lonely and pursuing God can seem like a solo affair—when we feel this way, we’re always wrong. We’re not alone. There are always others all around us who are chasing God too. Just remember, you’re not the first to feel this way. Elijah complained to God that he was the only one who was still following Him. God rebuked him for his pity party and amended the number from 1 to over 7,000! See I Kings 19:18 for verification and remember, life isn’t fair, but God is good!