The Catch 22

If you’ve been to Southbrook more than a month, you’ve heard me say something to the affect of, ‘The Bible is a lot more ‘descriptive’ than ‘prescriptive.’ I say this because it in know way teachers that we can earn favor with God by good performance. I know the Old Testament can seem this way at times, but the law was to point people to God, not to help them gain favor with God.


It’s a fine line, but we need to understand it or we might wind up on the wrong side of this 3-sided triangle!


That’s right, I said 3 sided.


Wrong side #1 = Thinking our activity determines our identity with God. Wrong. Our identity is found in Christ Jesus transformation of us into sons and daughters of the Living God after we trust Him for salvation. Because of His grace and mercy, our activity for him flows forth.


Wrong side #2 = Thinking (post salvation) that we should not do anything, but rather, ‘Let go and Let God!’ This often happens when young (and sometimes old) believers fear drifting into a ‘works mentality’ and, as a result, won’t do much of anything but sit around on Sundays, sing a few songs half heartedly (you don’t want to sing too enthusiastically. It might be misconstrued by God as ‘work.’), look toward the stage (although some look a lot more toward their watch!) and sort of listen to the speaker/preacher, perhaps jot down a pithy saying or two you picked up from the waaaaaay to long message, and go home and apply nothing.


I think Satan is nearly as happy with this outcome as he is an individual who never comes to a saving faith in the first place—accept that it doesn’t help him populate Hell any more.


Right side = Chasing God out of a heart of gratefulness and love for all He did for you (on the cross) and continues to do (through the leading and growing work of the Holy Spirit). Out of this relentless pursuit comes genuine, kingdom growing activity—NOT in order to impress God, but just because…


Just because you love Him!