Brace for Impact!

This weekend begins our annual IMPACT series.  What do we believe God has for us over the next year?! We want to leave a mark on this world for the glory of God—a mark in four specific areas…


–       Mark the Body (To be a vibrant, healthy, growing community of Christ followers—sold out for Jesus!)

–       Mark the Community (To make the presence of Christ known first in the communities around us–then, beyond!)

–       Mark the World (This is the “beyond.”)

–       Mark the Future (What role will you play in moving the ball down the field?)


This weekend we’ll learn what makes for a healthy, growing, church family and why some churches have it while others can’t seem to find it. Why did Paul have such an easy time with the believers at Philippi while the ones at Corinth nearly drove him to a padded room?


Come join us this weekend ready to make your own mark with so many others who serve the Lord through this wonderful body called, Southbrook!