This morning I got up extra early. Not just because it was time for the Men’s Monday morning gathering—but because God woke me up—like 4:00 a.m. early…ouch!
I’ve learned that when God does this—I need to listen. If He’s trying to talk to me, it’s not like I’m going to get any sleep anyway. And this morning it was that unsettled feeling—that unresolved tension between being true to the text and yet appropriate for all ages present.
Now, first let me say that this isn’t some excuse-making post or justification—if I ask that the little ones join us in the sanctuary than on that particular weekend I need to make sure I keep them in mind as I preach. Yesterday we were taking communion as families and hearing form our student minister and children’s director—it was a family affair. At the same time, I was determined to finish up the story of a dysfunctional family—a very dysfunctional family—Lot’s family.
Nough said.
But how do you even read about, let alone explain such horrific things with kids in the room?
Answer? You don’t—not really. And that’s why we are changing some things about the way we do the weekend services @ Southbrook Church. Because we are a church that will not sugarcoat the gospel, apologize for what’s in the Bible, or otherwise make excuses for God, we are going to “go there” – wherever ‘there’ may be. And we are going to let the text determine the tone. At the same time, because we have such incredible children and student ministries—tailored to the needs and maturity of specific age groups—we will now ask that parents make sure their kids under middle school age, take advantage of these age appropriate offerings.
Again, not an excuse for being a little reckless at the 9:00 service—but a great wake up call for me. Since the Lord is telling me to preach the Word truthfully, powerfully and unapologetically I thought it only fair to let you parents know first.
Get ready for “Preaching Gone Wild!” Which is just another way of saying, ‘Preaching Gone Biblical!”