A Little Help Over the Rough Spots

Telling the difference between legalism and grace may seem simple—but it imprisons more believers than perhaps anything else other than worshipping our stuff.

How simple is biblical grace?

Biblical Grace is based on all that Christ did for us and nothing we could do for ourselves. The best word to think of it is, “Done.”

A Works based view of salvation—often referred to as religion, works, legalism, etc.—on the other hand—brings to mind a different ‘D’ word—“Do.”

It is crucial for the Christ follower to understand and live the difference. One leads to joy and freedom—the other to misery and imprisonment.

Tonight we continue our Mid-Week Mini series, “Losing My Religion,” finishing up chapter 3 and getting into chapter 4. Come lose your religion and experience the joy and freedom in Christ that comes from chasing God!