There are some really cool things coming up Brookies!
• THIS weekend for part 2 of our family series, “My House,” Geoffrey Janes is joining me to share what God is doing in and among their family in the midst of this painful trial. The Jane’s have been tremendous testimonies throughout this trial with the injury to their son—they’ve shown us all what strength can be garnered from the Almighty even at the worst of times. It will be an honor to teach with him on Sunday!
• This guy, Perry Noble, will be leading several thousand in a one day conference at Newspring Church designed to explode your passion for God and motivate the entire team to charge Hell with a water pistol! It’s a one day event on March 10th that I really wish the entire church could be at—alas, we only have 3 buses and about 150 spots—first come-first serve! I hope it’s you! Sign up here.
• I had tons of people come up to me after each service last weekend—wondering how they could sign up for the next Haiti mission trip—and all I did was mention a small fraction of what happened down there during our offering time this past weekend! When we actually take a weekend and you see what God’s doing there in detail—we’ll have to add trips to accommodate everyone! Hold tight, my plan is to take several more trips down there this year—trips to build, hold medical clinics, and teach the people the Bible! More on this in week 3 of our “Impact Series” coming up in March.
• Finally, ladies—you’re in for a real treat this Saturday as national speaker, Connie Witt shares her heart with a message entitled, “That Makes Two of Us.” There still some space available for this—sign up here, and bring a friend!
That’s it for now!
Just thought you should know!