First, join us this weekend for the continuation of our “Divine Series,” — The Gospel according to John. Things really heat up with the longest night in the Life of Christ. His darkest valley purchased our greatest hope! Can’t wait to share what God has taught me!
Ok, some of you are going to take this as the pat/cheese/autobot/pastor answer but I don’t care–It’s also the true/best/most effective/obedient answer…
The one I listen to the most–by far–is God.
Sorry, I just knew 200 hands were reaching at that very second, for the close window button–but I hope you’ll give me a few more lines to talk you down form the ledge before you do that…
Some of you will remember that I bought my son a brand new, nicely bound, ESV, wide margin, Bible a little over a year ago. If so, then you will recall that it was not…
· The NIV Study Bible
· The Life Application Study Bible
· The Ryrie Study Bible (Do they still sell this one?)
· The ESV Study Bible
· The Zondervan Study Bible
· The MacArthur Study Bible
· The Comparative Study Bible
· The Quest Study Bible
· The Archeological Study Bible
· The Interpreter’s Study Bible
· The Chronological Study Bible
· The Joyce Myer Study Bible
· The Pet Study Bible
· The Green Alien Study Bible
· The Global Warming Study Bible
Ok, those last three were made up, but you get the idea. There’s pretty much a study Bible for everything! Most of them are quite helpful—excellent tools, so I’m not putting them down. In fact, I own 6 of them off that list (the Green Alien one is my favorite 🙂 ). No, the point is that I want my kids to spend time with Jesus FIRST and FOREMOST. After they’ve done this, I love to talk about their quiet times with them—and we usually do. We even listen to some of the great preachers together at times—but only after we look at the passages with the help of the Holy Spirit will we take a look at what men and women say. We make a big mistake when we just study man’s thoughts about God right out of the gate before getting to know God when it’s just you and Him!
Got it?
One more thing before I share my secret (ok, not so secret) list of Christ followers I’m currently listening to…
You won’t find any cheesy health, wealth and prosperity teachers on the list. No pluralists (look it up), no heretics, and no one who only believes partial scripture. The people I listen to are all or nothing folks.
Well, what can possibly be gained by listening to someone who doesn’t adhere to God’s Word? I believe the Bible is the 100 percent infallible Words of God Almighty—not 50 percent, not ‘mostly,’ ALL OF IT. And I’ve already spent years of my life looking at the evidence and determining for myself whether or not this was true. Why go back and rehash that every time someone comes along and preaches something contrary? I’m familiar with popular preachers who teach a different gospel–familiar enough to be done with them once they make it clear they don’t trust the whole counsel of God’s Word. At that point, they have nothing to offer.
Life’s too short.
So, with that in mind, here’s my list…
For the .001 percent of you who think I’m being critical with this, or that this list is the Holy Grail or something, allow me to say a few kind and thoughtful words to you…
Seriously—I saw another pastor do this several years ago and another one recently–I thought it was a great thing to share! Now several pastors have shared their lists so I thought it might be helpful to throw mine out there. If it helps–great. I may go back later and see if some of these people listen to some or all of the same people I do—might be fun-might not. I digress. Here’s my list, my go-to people, usually in this order-sometimes not, and, with some explanations…
1. Matt Chandler (Probably the most dialed in, effective preacher alive today!)
2. Mark Drisscoll ( a close second – They might be tied…Aauugghh, I can’t decide!)
3. James McDonald (no frills, no apologies—just good, straight, biblical preaching!)
4. Perry Noble (Makes things come to life with stories better than just about anyone!)
5. Alistair Begg (Like James McDonald, but with the cool Scottish assent!)
6. Chuck Swindoll (Been listening to this guy since I was a kid. Still one of the very best with a clear and Biblical theology).
7. John McArthur (A great expository preacher. Can be a little judgmental, but he’s not afraid to call a spade a spade and I like that. It’s more important to concern oursleves with being faithful to God’s Word than making sure no one gets dropped from the Kum-By-Ya choir team ).
8. Francis Chan (Say what you want, this guy backs it up with his life but never tells everyone they need to do what he’s doing. Just follows the Lord!)
9. J.D. Greer
10. Erwin McManus
11. Tony Evans
12. David Platt
13. Kyle Idleman (of ‘Fan or Follower’)
14. Clayton King
15. Britt Merrick
16. Kay Arthur
17. Beth Moore
18. Chuck Missler
19. An assortment of Calvary Chapel pastors…(these guys are among the best “through the Bible” preachers around)
There it is…for this point in time anyway. I discover new folks all the time and rotate in old ones constantly. I love to learn and I love to sit at the feet of great men and women of God…
After I’ve sat at the feet of Jesus.