One of my favorite weekends ever!
Because so many learned to stop listing and start living! At Southbrook we are seeing so many discover the most important thing in this life–to spend time with Jesus.
- Our text today was Galatians 5:16-26 — The “Fruit of the Spirit” passage. It’s one of those sections of scripture that most believers are familiar with–churches even have songs they teach children in Sunday school containing the fruits, “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Those who memorize scripture (a good idea, BTW) usually have this section near the top of their list. But there’s a real tendency to approach it wrong–like a list of qualities to foster–characteristics to ‘work at.’ But have you ever seen a tree branch grunting out fruit? No. They don’t work at it—they just stay connected to the tree and a healthy tree produces fruit. Think about it.
- Ever play that incredibly annoying game at Chucky Cheese called, Wack a Mole (BTW, YES, I have been to Chucky Cheese. I have kids, remember? Thank goodness it’s been years!)? No matter how hard you try, you can’t get all of them. There’s always more ready to ‘pop up,’ every second—often several at once. Today we learned that trying to beat down the bad affects of our sinful behavior is an exercise in futility. We need to go right for the source—right to the ‘cause’ of those affects. Galatians 5:24 tells us what needs to happen… “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there.” The cause is the ongoing conflict between the flesh and the Spirit. The flesh has got to die. But the solution isn’t to target the flesh for termination (like you might think). The solution is to get to know Jesus more and more—to walk by the Spirit. As you do, the flesh loses power and influence. My advice? Don’t worry about suppressing the flesh—just surrender to the Spirit! Oh, and this works with Wack-a-Mole too. To stop those obnoxious moles—unplug the machine!
- Praying for hundreds of “Fans” of Jesus to crossover and become lifelong “Followers” instead!
- Because we so desire two things (sense and control)—we will often follow methods for living that have never worked—like making New Year’s resolutions to become a better person. Why do millions keep doing this year after year after year? Because it makes sense and we feel like we are in control. But listen, God won’t share control with you—it’s you or Him—which will it be? Oh, and when He is in control better also let go of having to figure everything out—God’s ways are higher than ours. Some of the things He will ask you to do won’t make sense. Do it anyway.
- This coming weekend is not about the church stepping forward en mass to make one year commitments. It’s about the church stepping forward as one to set out on an adventure with Christ. 2011 will be the year of getting closer to Jesus! I believe it will be a turning point year for hundreds!
- I always attempt to weave the Gospel into every message. Sure, each week won’t be a mass altar call where we see dozens or even hundreds saved—but I’m blown away at how often I discovered 1 or 2 or 10 people gave their lives to Jesus without the big push. God is always working in the hearts of the people @ Southbrook!
- I’m super pumped about what I believe the Lord is going to do in our midst this coming weekend. Have you bent the knee to Jesus Christ? If you have—if you are among the almost 300 who have given their lives to Jesus since our last baptism just a few months ago—it’s time for you to stand up and be counted. Your first move as a new believer (in obedience to Christ’s command) is to identify with Christ Jesus through baptism. These events are always a huge celebration @ Southbrook Church—invite your friends, family, neighbors and everyone you know to this special time!