Early Mornings with God

I love getting up early and starting my day with Jesus. I’m not at all a morning person–unless I start it with Jesus. Seems only He can turn us vampire, night people into pleasant day folks!

This morning I read through parts of Romans 8 again–even though it was the 100 day reading for yesterday. I just couldn’t get enough of it. I even dug out the commentaries when I was done to see what godly men had to say about this wonderful chapter of peace and comfort to all believers. What Jon Courson said regarding verses 3 and 4 really struck me and I wanted to share it with you all.

First, here’s the text,

“For(A) God has done what the law,(B) weakened by the flesh,(C) could not do.(D) By sending his own Son(E) in the likeness of sinful flesh and(F) for sin,[a] he condemned sin in the flesh, 4in order that(G) the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us,(H) who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.”

Now for the wisdom of Mr. Courson…

“The weakness of the law lies in the fact that we can’t keep it. Folks, you can write, “I’m going to pray three hours a morning” in your journal. You can post, “I will read my Bible three hours every night” on your fridge, but sooner or later, you’ll find the weakness lies not in those commitments, but in your own flesh. That’s why Paul rejoices that God took care of the matter by sending His own Son–that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled not by us, but in us, as the Spirit guides us spontaneously, leads us daily, corrects us constantly, and frees us practically!”

Isn’t that great!

In January I will be starting a mini two week series called, “The Resolution Revolution.” It’s all about how to see permanent change toward being like Christ rather than the temporary changes you and I see when we try to white knuckle change in our own strength or through things like New Year’s Resolutions. Today should get you thinking!

Don’t miss it!