Don’t know if this will ever change, but I always feel really rusty when I haven’t preached for a while–in this case it was only 2 weeks, nevertheless, I still felt like the message I had for today needed about 3 weeks to really unpack. As a result I felt like an auctioneer this weekend as I reasoned that extra fast talking might help me get it all in. I pray God uses it anyway.
- Still hearing great stories from our Heartbreak Warfare series. God continues to restore marriages and change lives. He is SO GOOD! And honestly, I sometimes feel so befuddled in trying to communicate what’s on my heart it’s a wonder God can do anything with it–again, He’s a good God!
- I’m REALLY looking forward to our Christmas series, “Foretold,” ( click HERE for the trailer. ) beginning this week! It’s a laser focus on God’s incredible gift of Emmanuel! If you have friends who truly do not understand what Christmas should be all about–invite them to this–you’ll be glad you did!
- In John 5 Jesus heals a man who had been paralyzed for 38 years. Jesus healing isn’t unusual but what He said to the man before He healed him was. He said, “Do you want to be healed?” HUH?! Isn’t that the proverbial no-brainer? Of course he did! He’d been in that sad state for 38 years! And scripture made it clear that Jesus knew this. So why did He ask? Because He was issuing a challenge to the man something like this…”If I heal you will you follow me or live the rest of life for your self? It’s an important question for each of us to ask whenever we want something from God. Why do you want it? Healing? Financial help? Friends? A spouse? Children? God Himself? If God says yes to any of these things what difference will it make? Think about it.
- Some Christians are sort of creeped out by the Holy Spirit. They don’t understand Him, so they end up avoiding Him. But since it is the Holy Spirit indwells the believer and gives him peace, power, joy, victory and so much more for living an effective and victorious Christian life–ignoring Him is a bad choice. Chase after God. He loves you. He wants to bless you. A great relationship with Him starts with believing that.
- Today I’m overwhelmed with God’s grace and mercy toward me. I feel like I disappoint Him all the time but I know His love for me is ever true. “Thank you, Lord!”
Men? Don’t forget tomorrow morning @ 6:15 at the Weddington campus is our monthly, “Man Up” meeting. Hope to see you all there!