I love Paul’s writings for many reasons and identify with him because of his adventurous spirit. As long as I can remember, I’ve dreamed of adventures in different lands. The Lord started my traveling adventures at the age of 18, which was the beginning of God rocking my world. God placed a desire in my heart to tell others about Him, play music and travel the world. Amazingly His plan for me was to accomplish these dreams and desires by following His path for my life. After yielding to His call I found myself on the road with Christian bands traveling all over the world telling people the good news that Jesus died for them. Isn’t God cool?
Looking back over my years on earth, it is amazing to see how many of my dreams were placed in my heart by God. He has and is providing ways for me to accomplish every one of them. As I read the New Testament, I love the words of Jesus and have always been drawn to His closing statement to those who had the awesome opportunity to see Him depart for Heaven. (Mark 16:15) And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” This is a call to EVERY ONE of us who become followers of Christ. As we continue on through the New Testament we see that Paul was the embodiment of this statement.
Paul didn’t have a desire to travel the world; he had a desire to accomplish God’s will. Seeing photographs of far off places or reading articles in “Conde Nast Traveler” did not inspire him; his passion for God did. So what sparked this desire in Paul to pick up and leave everything he knew and take on a life that would prove to be difficult at best? Truth is, he is no different than you and I; it was the result of an experience with God (Acts 9).
Paul declared that when people receive the Word of God from those who faithfully preach It, they accept It “not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the word of God” (1 Thessalonians 2:13). This is the reason he boldly preached the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. He knew it alone has the power to transform the hearts of men, women, and children. Paul was preaching this truth, and he was obeying the mandate from Christ Himself to go into all the world and preach this truth.
Paul took what was happening in Jerusalem with this great revival and put feet to it. He took literally the call to “GO”. This is the heart of missions (was Paul the first missionary Pastor?). Reading through his letters, it seems to me that he organized some of the first short term, mid term and long term missions trips. And no, Acts 14:19 is not our scriptural basis for our “Hit & Run” trips!
I have gleaned much from Paul’s writings and his travels. His life story has helped me to see the man that God wants me to be and identify the characteristics needed to become that man. The take away after reading Paul’s letters should be that we can’t just kick back into our comfy lives and expect to do anything great for God. This gospel is a call to action and where there is action there is always risk! Yes, Paul paid a great price for living his life on the edge, but Jesus paid a much greater one. I believe that was Paul’s whole point: “I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ” (Philippians 3:7-8).
Nothing we can do can ever will come close to what Jesus did for us, but isn’t that the beauty of the gospel. Because of grace, the free gift is just that: FREE! Paul was so taken by this truth that he spent his life spreading this message wherever, whenever, and to whomever the spirit of God led him. Where is the spirit of God leading you today? Maybe it’s across the street to your neighbor’s house or the cashier at Brooklyn Pizza. Maybe it’s more in line with what Paul was called to do. Perhaps you need to be getting your passport application and blocking some time out of your schedule for a “Hit and Run” or an international trip next year. So, what has God been saying to you the last few months? Stop being a “Wimpy Christian”, take “The 100 Day Challenge”, I think the message is pretty clear. It’s time to get out of your comfort zone. Start seeking out the spiritual adventures God has planned for your life. Take a risk, stop just reading about it and GO!
Pastor Daryl
P.S. Parents, follow along with your kids here
Daryl has a heart for the world. You’ll have a hard time having a conversation with him without hearing how the impact of his experiences around the world have shaped him. Daryl’s love for people of different cultures and circumstance, both near and far, is echoed not only in his approach to ministry but also in his amazing photography.