What a wonderful Thanksgiving time we had at the Singleton home! I haven’t had this much time with the family in eons…We got to do a little bit of everything…
- It started with a one woman Hell’s Kitchen, as my wife Michelle cooked up over nine dishes to make a Thanksgiving feast for a king! We’ve never spent a Thanksgiving with just the 4 of us…EVER. But all the planets aligned this year and we quietly stayed at home and loved on each other. It may have been my favorite one EVER!
- It actually began early in the morning as 2 of the Singletons entered the annual Turkey Trot near Southpark Mall and braved the cold to run the 8k race (there were over 8,000 people in it this year and we saw some fellow ‘Brookies’ there as well). Michelle had her best time ever and Nathan was among the first handful of under 18’s to cross the finish line. That boy is a serious contender! And yes, before you say it–I was just a bystander–not a runner this year. But I’m a mountain biker these days–sue me! Here are some shots from the event…
- Then we all headed home for a feast to end all feasts! We basically had the same meal so many of our Southbrook family provided for over 200 families in Benton Heights, Monroe! We were especially thankful that God has blessed us so that we could bless others. Somehow, it’s not as easy to stuff my face when I know I haven’t done much for those who can’t afford even a Thanksgiving meal. The Southbrook family continues to amaze me. I will blog about the incredible day later this week but suffice it to say–we were Jesus to hundreds this Thanksgiving!
- On Friday we dug out the Christmas specials and started watching some of the old favorites like, “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, A Charlie Brown Christmas,” and “A Christmas Carol.” We have about 8 million more to go but I wouldn’t have it any other way! Soon enough the kids will think they are lame and only want to borrow the car to go see friends! Aaaauuuggghhh!!!
- I didn’t have to preach this weekend so we took advantage of the free Saturday and let the kids have some friends from church over. They each had 2 which made for a total of 6 young adults (3 girls and 3 boys) and one crazy overnighter! Activities included, roasting smores, Christmas specials, a 4 hour game of RISK (which I won, I might add. Sorry, but I am invincible when it comes to RISK!). Here are some pictures from the night…
Does it look cold? I assure you, looks are not deceiving in these pictures! It got down to 28 degrees and what was supposed to be a night in the Treehouse for the guys turned into a night in the Hobbit Hole <– Don’t ask — instead! Call me a wimp, i don’t care. I’m a warm wimp!
We capped the whole deal off before church with a devotional about the “Man among the Tombs,” from Mark chapter 5. Not sure how the kids felt about a sermon before the sermon but I’m a pastor so what did they expect?
- Loved the message by Pastor Geoffrey as we continued our “Divine” series — The Gospel According to John. He did a great job!
- I’m pretty easy to please actually. Conclusion? I am truly blessed! It was a simple Thanksgiving but a great one!