Go together like a horse and carriage…
Alright, now that I have that out of the way…I can say that it seems that is no longer the case.
Lust and marriage? Maybe
Money and marriage? Quite often
Convenience and marriage? Ok, I can see that.
Anything and marriage? Now that hits the nail right on the head. With marriage today it seems like just about anything goes and that’s the problem–the redefining of traditional/biblical marriage. Now, as with most rules, there are exceptions, but most often the exceptions are the bad things and the rules keep us in line. In this case; however, the exceptions are (as I just said) tradition and God’s Word–the Bible. Considered out-dated and even hateful by some, the Bible no longer takes precedence when defining morality–that includes marriage.
So where does that leave us?
Want to marry your best friend of the same sex? Five states already allow this.
Want to marry several wives? That’s legal in many countries–at the rate we are going it will be here in the great US of A before you know it. Certain sects of Mormonism think it always has been!
What about relatives? Sure, if you get along great with your sister, maybe you have a case (hopefully you are sensing the sarcasm). But this is far from a laughing matter. There are groups out there right now preparing to make a case for marrying children (pedophilia), marrying pets, marrying inanimate objects (I read an article a year ago about how a middle aged woman married her favorite roller-coaster ride at the local theme park!)–like I said, anything seems to go. Anything but God and His ways.
That’s absolutely nuts! You say.
I agree. So does God. But rather than attack each nutty, individual case, we need to protect what God has already defined as legitimate marriage–a marriage between one woman and one man, period! And see the world’s direction for what it is. Secular society going this way is really not that unexpected for a couple of reasons…
And the following are why these wacky ideas are even presented with a straight face let alone venom and conviction?
1. Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way that seems right to a man,but its end is the way to death.” In other words, man can come up with loads of alternatives to God and each and every one sounds legit to our sinful ears.
2. Romans chapter 1 explains the folly and total depravity of mankind ignoring the obvious (God as Creator and His Word as moral authority) and doing whatever feels good. Read it–I’ll wait for you…
So, it’s not rocket science–simple, sinful rebellion is what it amounts to. But I want to go attack this whole crazy situation from a more positive angle this time. Many couples are going through the most difficult time of their entire marriage right now–the economic melt down has stripped away the facade millions had in place of a happy go-lucky life.
In short, people are hurting.
So, this next three weeks we will be beginning a marriage series @ Southbrook Weddington and Southbrook Monroe entitled, “Heartbreak Warfare.” Whether you’re marriage is in shambles, you’re already divorced, a young person looking to get it right some day, or have a great marriage and are always looking for ways to make it better–this series is for you.
I’ll also be blogging about it the whole three weeks and would love to hear from you all in the comment sections below each post. We will still be running our 100 days posts from staff as well–2 great reasons to check this out each day!
Come see what God’s Word has to say about marriage and how we can put marriages back on the right track in this country–God’s track.
See you this weekend!