- Closed out our short (2 week) stewardship series yesterday–“The Treasure Principle,” with a message entitled, “Transfer of ownership.” Truth is, our stuff is not really our stuff. We just get to manage a pile of resources for this short life and one day we will give and account before God of who we did with all He entrusted to us. I for one want to make sure that goes well while there’s still time to do so!
- Most of the Bible is written simply and clearly–straight-forward enough for even children to understand the basics. However, when it comes to applying it we often intellectualize our way out of obedience.
- Jesus talked an awful lot about things we don’t want to talk about. Something’s very wrong when the things that interest God don’t interest us.
- There are 6 basic principles about stewardship that we all would do well do memorize…1. God owns everything. I’m His money manager. 2. My heart always goes where I put God’s money. 3. Heaven, not earth is my home. 4. I should live NOT for the dot, but for the line. 5. Giving is the only antidote for materialism. 6. God prospers me not to raise my standard of living, but my standard of giving.
- As Christ followers, our home is a place we’ve actually never been to.
- We think we own our possessions, but too often they own us!
- God doesn’t need the money from our tithe–It is our heart He is after–our whole heart! And if we give half-heartedly–deals off!
We are halfhearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go make mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at sea. We are far too easily pleased.
–C. S. Lewis
- This coming weekend it’s back to “DIVINE” our series through the entire gospel of John. I’m always excited to return to this great book and never like it when we stay gone too long! Get ready to be divinely inspired by God!