

Have you forgotten “Impact?”

Hope not. It may seem like we have, but I assure you–the staff of Southbrook Church continues to look to God for how we can best:

  • Mark the Body (Our own church)
  • Mark the Community
  • Mark the World
  • Mark the Future

As a reminder, we shared of the need for several key hires for a woefully understaffed team @ Southbrook, including a LifeGroups Pastor, Engage and empower the next generation by expanding the student and children’s ministry teams, Cultivate our ability to help families in need through different and expanding arms of our benevolence ministries, etc. (actually, all of the impact initiatives can be read on the “Impact” section of our website, so I won’t go into detail here). Today I just wanted to update everyone on a couple key points of progress regarding IMPACT…

  • Though we are putting the greatest effort into finding a LifeGroup’s pastor and Student Pastor, both have proved to be  difficult roles to fill.
  • First, the challenge. We have been through 4 rounds of resumes (literally hundreds), countless interviews, and 4 finalists for the position of LifeGroup’s pastor@ Southbrook, but to date have still not found the right fit. Please keep us in your prayers as we see this as one of the most vital hires in the 10 year history of our church and want God’s perfect person for the role.
  • The quest for a student pastor to help with our ever growing youth has been equally challenging. While there are plenty of people out there, few could fill the shoes of Daryl Sutherland in a way we all have come to expect. That being said, we may very soon have some good news on this front as we believe God is revealing very clearly where we need to go as well as who may be the one to help develop the many students God is bringing to SCC. Again, keep us in your prayers and hopefully an announcement will happen very soon!
  • Perhaps the biggest challenge has to do with the funds for the entire IMPACTinitiative. If you will remember way back in March when we did the IMPACT series, I asked Southbrook church what they would like to see happen over the next year–then presented what God had laid on my heart. The determining factor would always be–what we as a church were willing to give to the needs. To date, only about 25 percent of the 700k needed to realize every aspect of the IMPACTinitiative has come in. Therefore, we are not currently looking beyond a LifeGroups pastor and a student pastor. I’ve always asked the body ‘what do you want to see God do?” and waited to see how much came in to support the vision. So, I’ll say it once again… ‘What do you want to do, Southbrook Church?’ To realize everything we talked about we will need to see at least 500k more come in by the end of the year (above and beyond the regular tithes and offerings). Please continue to seek God for what you can give to see this happen.