- What an awesome ending to our “Diary of a Wimpy Christian” series! After thoroughly dismantling easy believism and wimpy followership, I challenged everyone @ Southbrook to really ‘count the cost’ before making any further commitments to God. Better not to say yes to God at all than to say yes and wash out all together because you really didn’t understand what you were getting into.
- Talked about the three “would be followers” of Jesus in Luke chapter 9 — all seemed more than willing to follow. One even said boldly to Jesus, “I will follow you wherever you go!” Really? Jesus informed him that even though foxes have holes to sleep in and birds have nests–HE (Jesus) couldn’t guarantee the guy wouldn’t end up homeless like Him (Jesus)…So much for “wherever you go!” The Bible never mentions the dude again.
- An attitude of putting God off for any length of time is not likely to get better over time!
- Over 800 people signed up for “Wimp to Warrior” boot camp for the next 100 days! Can’t wait to see what our faithful God does in the lives of all these folks!
- It’s pure BUNK to say that churches can’t expect people to make long term commitments! WHAT?! People make them all the time. What about college? Med school? Marriage? Learning to play an instrument? Mastering a sport? Training for a triathlon? Marathon? Please!! The church has failed to lead the way here by wimping out and giving in to this lie. Instead, Christianity American styles offers little bite sized, half-hearted series, short term small groups, 4 week series and then wonders why no one will follow through! Some of our best, most life-changing series ever have been going through entire books of the Bible. 2 years ago we undertook a journey through Hebrews that took 10 months! It was awesome! We’re a little over half way through the book of John with our “Divine” series and we’ve been at it for close to a year!
- What if long term benefits really are reserved for long term commitments?
- MEN? Are you listening? Tomorrow morning bright and early I have a special message for you. Be there @ the Weddington campus @ 6:15 am for a full blown breakfast and talk that begins @ 6:30. You won’t regret it!
- Hey, it just dawned on me (no pun intended) that 6:15 comes mighty early!
Good Night!