It Only Takes One

I love these mornings where I get up a little earlier. Today it wasn’t much earlier 5:50 am–but what a treat!

I’m reading through a familiar book in my quiet time with the Lord right now–John. It’s the same book we are going through as a church in our on again off again series called, “Divine.” What’s so wonderful about following up behind what I’ve already taught is to pick up all the gems along the way that I missed the first several times through. Isn’t that an incredible aspect of God’s Word?–The fact that it is alive and we can never fully plum the depths of it?


Well, today I wrapped up the story of the Samaritan woman at the well. And was again stunned at her witnessing power–her tremendous effectiveness at reaching the masses for Jesus! All made so much more amazing in that she was the least respected, possibly most hated woman in the entire region 5 minutes before she became the single most influential!!

Only God!

It was like going from Madonna to Mother Teresa in an instant! Again, only God!

But what literally brought me to tears was her courage and boldness to be a witness for Jesus to the very people who shunned her daily. Because her life was so radically changed, she could not keep it to herself–not even for a moment. You can read about it here. But I especially want to draw your attention to the following verses:

28Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, 29“Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ[b]?” 30They came out of the town and made their way toward him.

I don’t think for a moment that this woman casually set her water down and walked nonchalantly away. I believe she ran! She ran to tell everyone the greatest thing that had ever happened to her! She had just had an encounter with the living God and it changed the entire trajectory of her life forever!

In today’s vernacular, we would say that her story went viral! And marketers are constantly scrambling to figure out how to tap into this. But you can’t tap into the Lord’s anointing unless you are on His mission! The good news? There is something that has the potential to go viral and you and I can get in on the ground floor at any time!

No, I’m not taking about Amway. I’m talking about the Harvest–God’s harvest. God says that it is ALWAYS ripe and plentiful–ALWAYS! The harvest is lost people who are so close to salvation–all they need is someone to go and tell them the good news–someone to invite them to church! Are we willing to get as excited about what Christ did for us as this woman at the well was?

Oh that we would have people like this today!

Question? Is there even one person @ Southbrook who has been so radically changed that they are willing to tell the whole region to come hear about the one who changed their life forever? I’m praying for that–for more than one actually. And that they’ll bring everyone they know THIS WEEKEND!