You’re probably aware that I sometimes recommend books on my blog—off to the side, or even in a post. This time I actually want to showcase one short book—it’s a game-changer. Truly one of the most powerful books I’ve ever read and re-read in my life! And I return to it often to remind myself of the way of some things on this up and down ride called ministry. Other than the Word of God, it may be the most helpful book I’ve ever come across.
All this brings me to a strange request…will you read it with me this time, Brookies? It’s more of a pamphlet than a book, really. You can read the whole thing in an hour—and probably will. Again, it’s that good.
Here it is from…or just just click here to go straight to it. Then, when you’re done, send me a facebook message. I’d love to talk about it with my Southbrook family!