Sunday Evening Mind Dump

Whenever I don’t preach my thoughts tend toward the church in general (Church Big ‘C’ — not local church specifically or even Southbrook). And I’ve thought a lot about the state of the church in America today…

  • Is it just me, or do we seem to lack for emboldened, passionate, on fire leaders? Where is the faith that can move mountains? Do we or don’t we believe that the church is still the greatest hope for change?
  • Listen to what Perry Noble has to say about this, “The church cannot afford to have passionless leaders in prominent positions!  All too often people get appointed to some sort of leadership position because they are a “natural fit” or they are the “easiest option,” and NOT because they actually have the passion and wisdom to do an incredible job.  Passion is the key ingredient that will keep a person in the game when everyone else is giving up!  Never apologize for passion!” I agree!
  • Lysa TerKeurst shared at Southbrook today—for Mother’s Day! As always, she ‘Brought it!’ My wife appreciated a year off this year. Thanks for the break everyone!
  • Churches need to place less emphasis on doing church for the ‘already convinced’ only and focus more on those who are ‘far from God!’
  • Less emphasis on ‘hired guns’ more emphasis on mobilizing Lifegroups!
  • Soon we’ll be at John chapter 13 in our “Divine” series. Oh that we would model John 13:34-35  to a world that is ALWAYS changed when they see these verses in action!
  • Christ follower? You want to make an impact? Stop sharing with everyone who will listen all the things Christians should be “AGAINST” and start sharing the love of Christ!
  • Never lose sight of the fact that the abundant life Jesus talked about in John 10:10 isn’t a life you learn to fake. It is unfortunate…but in church world today what seems to be the most important thing is how others PERCEIVE our walk with Christ is…and if we can fake it then we can make it!
  • Rick Warren said, “Traditionally those in the church who have the biggest EARS (people who show up at every single Bible study and such trying to HEAR new stuff) also have the biggest REARS!!! “ What if I would have said that? LOL! I’ve said worse! He’s right!
  • Frustrated with how many believers love to split hairs regarding things like, eschatology, soteriology, reformed or disspensational theology, election, etc. while doing next to nothing for the Harvest! Instead of trying to prove who’s ‘elected’ or not—instead of conducting constant spiritual recounts—share the good news like you’re called to and let God deal with separating the sheep from the goats!
  • Even though we wrapped up our, “Offended” midweek series I wish everyone would get the podcasts and go through it. Churches would be 100X more effective if they didn’t get caught up in this trap!
  • Is Jesus asking you to give something up? Do it!—understanding that what He will replace it with will be much, much better!
  • Back to “Divine” This coming weekend with a little different twist. I’m going off site for about 10 minutes of the service in order to introduce you to some ‘special guests!’